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Contact 正澳门六合彩官网 Alumni relations representatives at Keith Alumni House (pictured)

Graduates of the past decade represent more than one-third of the overall alumni population at 正澳门六合彩官网. With strong ties to the College, each other, and society, it seemed essential to gather motivated young alumni to help us reach and engage this growing number of grads.

In 2014, the College created the Young Alumni Council, composed of dedicated alumni from the previous decade who demonstrated interest in being involved, willingness to give back, and determination to propel alumni programming in the direction desired by the greater alumni population. After identifying a core group of members, the Council quickly got to work brainstorming ideas for events, campaigns, student-alumni programming, and more.

With each person's background being vastly different — from careers in law to television to community health — the group provides a unique and well-balanced blend of ideas, viewpoints, and strategies. The Council's representation is not only in the greater Boston area, but in California, New York, Connecticut, Maine, and Rhode Island as well.

"Our Young Alumni Council is a great intermediary to connect the ideas of current students, recent grads, and decision makers of the College," says member David Norris, director of security for Northeast Security in Boston.

"Although we are all a few years removed from school, we remember what it was like to be a student in the classroom, and we have valuable ideas that could be beneficial to future students' education at 正澳门六合彩官网. It feels good to be able to give something back to the school that helped mold me into the successful man I am today."

The Council meets twice a year, in the fall and spring, at weeknight dinner meetings held on campus. Each meeting features speakers who present timely and relevant topics to the Council.

If you graduated within the past 10 years and are interested in joining the Council, please fill out a Volunteer form to be considered. Council members should have a strong interest in optimizing the alumni experience, enhancing the College's visibility, and perpetuating 正澳门六合彩官网's mission.

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Your time at 正澳门六合彩官网 lasts a lifetime. Stay connected with us to stay on top of campus events, give back to 正澳门六合彩官网, volunteer and more.